Research and Education Center for Japanese Law


Workshop “Cross-Border Legal Aspects of Digital Platforms”

A workshop (hybrid) took place at Nagoya University Graduate School of Law, titled “Cross-Border Legal Aspects of Digital Platforms,” on May 27th (Monday). 
Moderators: Professor Dai Yokomizo, Professor Yoshiko Naiki

During the workshop, Professor Alain Strowel (Professor at UCLouvain, Munich IP Law Center, University of Alicante (IP Master)) presented his research on the topic: “EU Regulation of Online Platforms: Will the Digital Services Act and the Digital Markets Act have cross-borders effects?” leading to an enthusiastic discussion among others on relationship of both acts.

Professor Chin-Fu Lin (Professor of Law at National Tsing Hua University) presented his research on the topic: “Digital Platforms and AI: The Roles and Limits of the Transparency Principle,” followed by a lively exchange of ideas on defining the transparency principle, as well on difference between AI’s safety issues and AI’s risk related issues.

As a result of the workshop, collaboration with scholars from the EU and Taiwan highlighted the potential for joint research on digital platforms. Plans are underway for future in-person or hybrid workshops and symposiums, fostering active research exchange. This workshop served as a vital forum, creating opportunities for future research endeavors.

The workshop was organized and funded by the JSPS research project “The Establishment of a Regulatory Framework Corresponding to the Cross-border Nature of Transactions in a Digital Platform” (project leader: Dai YOKOMIZO).