This course enables students to gain advanced research skills, play a key role in the contemporary international community and in the development of legal systems, and acquire the following attributes:
(1) Ability to set research topics relating to practical and theoretical issues in law and politics within one’s home country;
(2) Ability to find pathways toward solutions by using comparative law and comparative politics or by analyzing the ways in which international documents and organizations are created and administered.
With this aim in mind, the program provides a high level of generalist-training balanced between a curriculum offering fundamental grounding in law and politics through classes conducted in English and individual guidance of a supervisor for students from various backgrounds, with a wealth of extra-curricular support within the faculty and the University. Each student can immerse themselves in the joys of learning, whilst building strong bonds with fellow students from various nations and region. In this way we seek to provide the conditions for our students to reach their full potential.
The selection process for this program involves document screening and interview (oral examination). The process is used to assess whether the applicants possess specialized knowledge of law /political science, and whether they have the motivation to acquire a breadth of skills (e.g., joint research, research organization, creating educational materials, and writing academic texts), in addition to the qualities necessary for completing the program.
Competitive scholarships are available through the Japanese Ministry of Education (MEXT) and The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship (JDS) program.
The course offers both English-taught and Japanese-taught streams. Applicants should select the application form or instructions appropriate to their intended scholarship category.
English-taught stream with Ministry of Education (MEXT) scholarship. Application process begins with an examination and selection process conducted by the relevant Japanese embassy, followed by application to the University. The Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) administers a selection process for MEXT scholarships through embassies and consulates general worldwide. To proceed with study in Japan, applicants who pass the preliminary embassy scholarship screening must contact universities in Japan to obtain a Letter of Acceptance. For guidance on the application procedure for the Graduate School of Law at Nagoya University, applicants should contact the Academic Affairs office by email on admission(at) with the following documents.
Applicants to any of the programs listed below should review the guidance notes on the drafting of research proposals.
Clarity, completeness, and viability of the research proposal is an important factor in admissions decisions. Review these guidance notes in connection with preparing your application.
Drafting a Proposal InformationEnglish-taught Comparative Law LL.M. program, with support of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) scholarship at the recommendation of the Graduate School of Law.
English-taught stream supported by Japanese Grant Aid for Human Resource Development (JDS). Applications to this program are not accepted directly by Nagoya University; follow the link for brief instructions on how to apply through local JDS offices.
The JDS scholarship for participating in the Master’s programs is coordinated by the Japan International Cooperation Center (JICE), and is open to candidates from selected jurisdictions. The Nagoya University Graduate School of Law accepts candidates under this program from the following jurisdictions.
The selection of JDS fellows is a joint project of the government of the target jurisdiction, the academic staff of the receiving Japanese university, and JICA. Successful applicants to the JDS program who specify “Law” at “Nagoya University” as a Desired Study Course must successfully complete the application process for the LL.M. (Comparative Law). The program in this instance is two years in length.